
Create beautiful books, quickly, with Hederis
A visualization and tool for geneticist
Tweets when the president learns a new word.
O'Reilly Media: Atlas & More
Lots of publishing software
Interactive, executable code examples, in any web page, using jupyter
Deobfuscating FEC data about PACs & Candidates
Convert human unfriendly strings to emoji in your terminal
Latent Loops
Using Google machine learning to make music
Death Map NYC
A map of deaths that occurred in nyc recently
Twitter bot that traces species evolutionary lineage
Teaching: Web Two
Teaching art majors javascript
Women's Marches Map
A bubble map of the women's marches in January 2017
The YayTM
Calls attention to itself, asks passersby to dance for it, in exchange for a dollar, and internet notoriety
Father Christmas Mirror
A video mirror of father Christmas emoji using skin tone modifiers
Bloomberg LP
Everyone loves a good list
Worker Fatalities
A map from OSHA data
Budget Climb
A physically interactive data environment to explore 26 years of federal spending. Physical effort reveals how the budget is distributed in a novel and tangible way.
Why Not Visit DC
A Generative Twitter Bot Making Fun of 45 & Co
Written World
A communal free-form text world, overlaid on a street map of the user's physical location
Pong Head
Play pong with your opponent's head. And your body.
Vibrant, agency-having tamagotchi + foursquare, for Intel.
Federal Lobbying Expenditures
By Industry, 1998-2010, a data visualization
A brief postmortem of the time Diana and I had were a startup